Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wow! This Blogging Thing is Way Cool!

I started out about a year and a half ago to put up a website that attracted people with whom I shared an abject adoration of science fiction in all of its various media. After all that time and the hours and money spent, it was a total washout. I had about 2 readers that hit my forums about once a year. So I started looking for options. My wife, being the more culturally savvy of our team, suggested I look into blogging. I did and after a few false starts, here it is.

In three months, I've gotten more feedback and had more conversations about ideas and literature than the year and a half I was actively marketing my site. I've talked with an author (to be fair, I did when I was putting up my site - but not THIS author.This one has actually got a following! To which he has most definitely added me). I've been a a host of other blogs and commented on what they've said. They reply! This is great!

And, here's the good part - They all LOVE science fiction and fantasy. Some in one form, some in all snd some more than others. But hitting the blog sites has kept me more informed with more enjoyment than I ever experienced on my site.

So, I trimmed back the site. I kept my book reviews and a link to this site. I am toying with the idea of doing my reviews on the blog. We'll see. In the meantime, I'm reading and talking more about science fiction, fantasy.... and life...than I ever have before.

God, I love the internet!

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